Extending a Kind Hand to Someone in Need
Two friends went to lunch together one bright Friday afternoon. While enjoying the sweet meal served to them, they picked a hint of distress on the face of the waitress who attended to them. So they asked how she was doing. She said she was fine at first, but after some persuasion, she voiced out that she was a single mom and didn’t have the money to cover her electric bill due that day.One of them asked how much she owed. They relayed their sympathies to her and went back to eating lunch. However, it appeared both felt God tugging at their hearts to help her. One of them left the restaurant in a rather hasty manner, suggestive of one running to go catch up with something very important. The friend that stayed behind spoke to the manager concerning the waitress.The manager said she was a hard-working, honest person and he would allow her to take a break so she could go and pay her electric bill. On return of the other friend who had earlier dashed out, the two friends gave her the money, her face was priceless. She couldn’t help but glaringly express how grateful she was, as tears welled up in her eyes. This display of kindness and concern for the well being of another doused the whole atmosphere there, with packets of renewed hope in humanity. As everyone who witnessed this, had their day made. I hope this story inspires us to be an answer to someone’s prayer.
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