

What better way again could a man convey kindness and gratitude to his alma mater? A motel owner in Burlington, Iowa, has surprised the elementary school he attended by writing a $700 check to pay overdue school lunch fees for dozens of kids. Jerry Fenton’s donation covered 89 students and their parents at Grimes Elementary school, the same school he also attended as a child. The overdue lunch balance at the school was only $458.63 at the time of the donation, so the extra funds will go towards future balances as well, allowing his impact to help even more children. After Fenton’s donation, parents who owed money were sent a note from the school saying their balance was cleared. It is well documented that not eating lunch will have a negative impact on a child’s learning. However in the past years, research has indicated an increasing number of children arriving in cafeteria unable to pay for their meals. A 2012 survey of school meal programs found that 53 percent of school districts were experiencing an increase in unpaid meal charges. One may wonder why acts of kindness are often shown on media spaces. But it will interest you to know that, this is done in a bid to inspire others too to act kindly. Same way Fenton said he was inspired to help out the school after learning about a similar story on Facebook. The story that inspired Fenton’s good deed is about Josette Duran, a mom in Albuquerque, N.M. who is more than 1,000 miles away from Fenton. Duran’s son had asked her if he could have two lunches to bring to school so he could give one to a friend. Duran soon learned that her son’s friend’s mom had recently lost her job and couldn’t afford to pay his lunch bills. Fenton wanted to take this good deed a step further. Many of the students don’t even know that their lunch accounts are overdrawn, thanks to Fenton’s donation, students won’t have to worry about their lunch balances, and they might not ever learn why. We have high hopes that his deed will go on to help inspire other random acts of kindness since his story has gained so much traction.  Now it’s your turn to do something good for your fellow man. Times are rough, you should be kind enough to pay bus fare for someone; at the restaurant, offset the bill of another, in whatever way you can, just pay it forward. Be inspired to be the embodiment of kindness you expect of others.



Despite the seemingly prevalence of evil, hate and drama that is in this world, it is beautiful to see when others go out of their way and offer to lend a helping hand. A couple in Redmond, Washington was caught shoplifting at their local Target. Normal protocol for this situation meant calling the cops in to help mediate the situation. However, upon further investigation it was clear to the police officer involved that he had to do something more. The couple had two children ages 8 and 4 months who needed some basic necessities. They had tried to take diapers, shoes and clothing from the Target. The police officer realized the dire situation the family was in, and took his own money and paid for all the items that the family desperately needed. Redmond Police Department’s spokeswoman Becky Range said that officers often deal with shoplifters who are trying to support a drug habit or reselling clothes for profit. In this case, the officer addressed the situation and quietly walked to the cashier to pay for the items. Before he left, he directed the couple to local family resources. The family was in such need, the couple placed a pair of shoes on the old child’s feet to wear while leaving the store. The parents were served a trespass notice, but Target did not pursue any charges. The officer declined to be identified. If it wasn’t for an extra attentive supervisor, the good deed wouldn’t have gone noticed at all. One good thing about kindness, it could be done alongside your profession, any profession. Be inspired to TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS.



You know the saying, ‘When life gives you lemons make lemonade,’ well, when life gives you pizza, give away a slice,” Josh propounded. Josh Katrick had just finished his eighth round of chemotherapy for colon cancer when he ran into a bit of luck. The 36-year-old found out that he won free pizza for an entire year from his local pizza restaurant in Northampton, Pennsylvania. However, instead of celebrating his winnings and immediately running to get a slice of pizza, Katrick decided that other people in his community needed the food more. He gave every slice away! A local food bank has been the recipient of Katrick’s generosity. He cited that he was inspired to pay it forward this holiday season because of the generosity he received from others during his cancer treatment. “After everything I went through these last few months — I met so many people and have been receiving so much — I felt I wanted to give back.” Katrick said. He received an email from the shop telling him he won, and he replied asking if he could give the free pizza to someone else. “We asked the question, ‘Who are you thinking?’ and he said, ‘Northampton Food Bank.’ And it kind of, like, it hit a nerve…in the heart,” said the pizza shop’s manager, Frank Grigoli. After learning what Katrick wanted to do with his winnings, the pizza shop decided to extend its own act of kindness. The restaurant decided to double the prize to make sure Katrick gets his share of pizza, along with the food bank. It is indeed clear for everyone to see that, if the willingness to be humane, generous and kind is there, no situation or circumstances can hold us back. Every one of us has something to give, each one of us is capable of being kind, where we are and with what we have. It all starts with one kind thought, one kind word, one kind act and the world will be set ablaze in the furnace of kindness. Just like Josh Katrick, dare to be kind, regardless of whatever.



If you still subscribe to the notion that everyone is unkind, it is because you haven’t really taken time to look around you and see how kind humans can be. But in case you don’t find any, kindly rise to the challenge and set the pace. James Donaldson, aka ‘MrBeast’ a very famous Youtuber has 300 million subscribers, and they tune in to watch him perform crazy stunts. But the revenue from these wanton acts of viral content goes to more than just filming expenses—MrBeast has spent millions and millions on philanthropic causes. Taking his ‘Beast Philanthropy’ series to Central and South America, the YouTuber targeted areas where natural disasters had left people homeless. In Jamaica, a family living in a rural mountainous area lost their home in a landslide—they got a new modern home, as did another family whose house was flooded every time there were heavy rains. In El Salvador, MrBeast paid for the construction of row housing a safe distance from a river that had recently flooded and washed a small community away. He also built a soccer pitch for the kids to play on, and paid for brand-new soccer equipment, shirts, and cleats for all the kids. At this point, he had given away 50 family homes. In Argentina, he and his partners transformed 15 structures in low-income housing areas into ones that were comfortable, weather-resistant, and had all basic amenities. By the time he had finished doing the same in Mexico, he had given away 83 houses. In Colombia, in an area that had been dismantled by tornadoes, 17 families got new furnished houses. This is just the latest installment in MrBeast’s philanthropic activities—some of which go to projects on his subchannel Beast Philanthropy. He’s dug wells for villages in Africa, helped 1,000 kids and young people get cochlear implants, and held several massive fundraisers for feeding families, constructing solar power stations, and more. The thing about kindness, it is more real than we can ever begin to imagine. If only the needed activation energy is supplied, and we learn to give in to the dictates of empathy and kindness beeping in our souls, we would be transforming Earth into a colourful Haven for all.


Dami Fakolujo; a helping hand in a new land

Dami Fakolujo, a Nigerian-Canadian living in Ottawa, has made it his personal mission to help newcomers to Canada feel at home. As a former immigrant himself, Dami understands the challenges of adjusting to a new country and culture. When the Bamigbaiye family, a Nigerian family newly arrived in Canada, moved into the neighborhood, Dami immediately reached out to them. He invited the family over for a backyard barbecue, where the aroma of familiar Nigerian dishes filled the air and lively conversations flowed. Dami wanted the Bamigbaiye family to feel a sense of community and belonging from the start. Over the following weeks, Dami took the Bamigbaiye children on trips to the library, ski hills, and tobogganing areas, introducing them to quintessential Canadian activities. He helped the parents navigate the bureaucratic processes of obtaining driver’s licenses and enrolling the kids in school.  Dami’s support went beyond just practical matters – he shared insights into Canadian customs and norms, easing the family’s transition. Reflecting on his own journey as a Nigerian immigrant, Dami felt a deep need to pay forward the kindness he had received when he first arrived in Canada over a decade ago. He understood the importance of having a support system and wanted to ensure the Bamigbaiye family had the same opportunities he had been afforded. Dami’s commitment to helping fellow immigrants is a testament to the power of community and the importance of paying it forward. His actions not only enrich the lives of the families he supports but also a strong source of inspiration to those who believe in the power of kindness. If you don’t find any reason to be kind, it is because you’re yet to realize the many graces and blessings of the Universe upon you. Once the reality of Nature’s kindness dawns on you, you’ll see every need to pay it forward.

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Kind and welcoming Nature of a nigerian man at providence college Sure Paid Off

The countenance of kindness radiates so bright, embracing and positively capturing the hearts of all. It leaves prints that linger far beyond the breath of men. This year, kind hearts of men introduced the world to James, a Nigerian security guard at Providence College, who was recently given a monumental shock by the students he protects. Working 4 overnight shifts a week, student organizer Brandon Reichart said James greets everybody with a smile and always welcomes conversations no matter what time of the night. But for the last five years, James has not been able to return to his homeland to visit his family, and so Brandon organized a GoFundMe to secretly arrange a trip back to Nigeria with pocket money included. The GoFundMe page said that all donations will go first to buy James a ticket, then to pay for his food and lodging, but the donations kept on coming until the fundraiser was halted at $30,000. Then came the fun part, when Brandon and some of his fellow students entered James’ office and surprised him with the ticket.  “We started a GoFundMe to take care of our own, because that’s what we do here at Providence College. As long as I’ve been here they’ve done that for me, we do that for each other, so now we’re doing it for you,” said Brandon, with James sitting in his chair looking perplexed. “You’re part of the family, so our gift to you is a trip to Nigeria,” he says, while a fellow student tries to hand James an envelope; James covers his face and falls to the floor. It is clear to see and appreciate how a warm hug, a generous smile and a welcoming heart could all create arrays of open doors and opportunity in places and times we least expect. At TLI, we still stand on the existing belief system and mantra that, no act of kindness, be it ever little, goes unrewarded. Just be the positive change you desire.

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Kindness always prevails

If the willingness to show kindness is in us, no force on Earth or in Hell will be reason enough to stop us from being kind. It will interest you to know that the impact of kindness tends to be felt more when experienced in environments least expected. Desmond Doss, Army combat medic, and subject of the 2016 film, “Hacksaw Ridge,” provides us with one of the greatest examples of kindness of the century. Doss was a paradox—a conscientious objector who purposefully enlisted in the Army—who wanted to go to war without hurting a single soul. Despite protestations and abuse from military leaders and peers, Doss refused to touch a gun or hurt an enemy—he only wanted to heal and help others as a combat medic. The Army, after a period of consideration, allowed Doss to go into combat. It was a good decision. Doss went on to become a legendary World War II hero when he saved the lives of 75 wounded infantrymen during the Battle of Okinawa, despite being wounded 4 times. Unarmed, Doss climbed a 400 foot escarpment, along with the rest of his battalion, only to be met with a hail of mortar rounds and gunfire which injured approximately 75 soldiers. Doss refused to seek cover, and carried all 75 casualties, one by one, to the edge of the escarpment, lowering them down to safety via a rope-supported litter. He didn’t stop there. Even after wounded and placed on a litter, Doss crawled off the litter to attend to a more seriously injured man. The selflessness of Desmond Doss serves as an example of the bravest sort of kindness—that which puts us at great risk. His actions certainly paid off, though—dozens of men went home after the war that might not have, otherwise. This does record a huge win for success echoing through the ends of the Universe. You can be kind, right where you are and with the resources you have. Just one random act of kindness and the chain reactions of kindness are ignited. -Be inspired to act KINDLY, regardless.

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Kindness to both the deserving and undeserving

The Prophet Muhammad, too, changed the world through kindness. Muhammad began spreading the message of Islam in Arabia in a time and period marked by a mentality of might-makes-right, bringing a message of peace, human rights, and justice. When the then pagan Arabs reacted to Muhammad’s words with anger and violence, he showed only love and compassion in return, demonstrating kindnesses that would later change the world. One prominent example of this kindness lies in his treatment of a neighbour who did her best to throw garbage in Muhammad’s path each day. One day, when he emerged from his home, there was no garbage. On enquiry, he came to find that the woman was ill, and took the time to go visit her and offer assistance, as it was the command of Allah that if anyone is sick, a Muslim should offer aid. The woman was so humbled by the experience that she became ashamed of her actions in the face of the concern Muhammad showed her. This act of kindness preached to her in a mightier way than any verbal messages and sermons could’ve ever attempted. As an example set by an important figure of a major world religion, the Prophet’s kindness, of which this is only one example of many, would go on to resonate throughout the world, inspiring people to continually walk in the path of kindness, empathy and respect for all. As we draw inspiration from this, to be ambassadors of kindness. It is our desire that the Universe treats you with utmost kindness. And because it is an exceptionally beautiful Friday, here’s wishing you a blessed weekend ahead. Walk with TLI; be inspired to Try A Little Kindness [T.A.L.K]!

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forgiveness as a tool for kindness

Those in positions of power often set the standards of behaviour for those that look up to them. This has the potential to be destructive, but sometimes, our leaders get it very right. This is one of the deepest levels of kindness a man would show another. On May 13th, 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot four times by Mehmet Ali Ağca as he crossed St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. Two bullets struck the pope in the stomach, while one struck his right arm, and another, his left index finger. In immense pain, the pope was bundled away by his security team, and despite severe blood loss, the pontiff survived. When we consider what an act of kindness is, we don’t often think of simple forgiveness. It’s an ephemeral thing—something we can’t see or touch. But forgiveness is, in fact, one of the most profound acts of kindness imaginable. Even though Ağca—who had recently escaped from a Turkish prison, where he was held on charges of murder—attempted to murder Pope John Paul II, the pope immediately, openly, and, in his own words, “sincerely” forgave the man. In 1983, John Paul II even went so far as to visit his would-be assassin, engaging the man in a private conversation, befriending him, and staying in touch with his family. In 2000, the pope requested that Ağca be pardoned. That request was granted, and Ağca was released from his Italian prison, although he was still compelled to serve out the remainder of his Turkish sentence. After the pope’s visit, Ağca converted to Christianity, and was finally released in 2010, returning to Rome in 2014 to lay two dozen white roses at John Paul II’s tomb. These simple acts of forgiveness changed the very heart of Ağca, where anger and condemnation might have only hardened him. Nothing is simultaneously harder and easier than sincere forgiveness. But it is also the most powerful tool we have in the quest for kindness. The changed heart of Mehmet Ali Ağca is a testament to this.

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kindness above all ambitions

Acts of kindness aren’t confined to life-or-death situations. We must learn to calibrate our hearts to the frequency of kindness, such that everything we think, say or do, fall within the limits of kindness. This has been demonstrated even by our very own sportsman. Spanish runner Iván Fernández received massive attention after a December 2012 race, and for very good reason. He lost, intentionally albeit. Leading Kenyan runner Abel Mutai pulled well ahead of Fernández, but near the end, mistakenly thought he had already crossed the finish line, pulling up about 10 meters short. Fernández caught up to Mutai, but rather than exploiting Mutai’s mistake, which would have netted him a wholly legal win, he stayed behind the Kenyan runner, using gestures to guide him to the actual finish line, and to victory. “He was the rightful winner,” said Fernández. “He created a gap that I couldn’t have closed if he hadn’t made a mistake. As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn’t going to pass him.” Fernández set an example for all competitors in a culture that often emphasizes winning at any cost. He could have simply passed Mutai that day on the track, but decided to take the path of kindness. He shows us that when we are kind, we win—even in loss. May this inspire us to lace all our ambitions with the very fibers of kindness. For it is only in the enclaves of kindness that the odds remain favourable at all times for everyone. In kindness, you win, I win, they win…WE ALL WIN

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