Chef Victor Tartenger, a renowned one-time holder of the Guinness World Record for the longest cook-a-thon, operates the Naira Victor Kitchen in Makurdi. Known for his culinary prowess, he has also garnered attention for his humanitarian efforts. Today, he showcased an extraordinary act of kindness that resonated with many in his community. While going about his daily routine in Makurdi, he encountered a young boy hawking fruits, which prompted a heartfelt response from the chef. Upon noticing the child lying helplessly on the ground at the Morden Market junction, Chef Victor felt compelled to intervene. He approached the boy and gently woke him up, inquiring about his situation. The child’s story was heart-wrenching; he explained that he had fallen ill and was unable to attend school. When asked why he was not in class during school hours, the boy revealed that he had been sent home due to unpaid school fees and a lack of textbooks. The child’s circumstances were dire; his mother was unwell and unable to provide for their needs. To support his family, he had taken on the task of selling bananas for an Igbo woman, hoping to earn some money to buy the necessary school supplies. The boy shared that for every 1,000 Naira he made from sales, only 100 Naira was his profit. This revelation struck a chord with Chef Victor, who decided to take action. After confirming the child’s story by contacting his mother, Chef Victor learned that the boy’s account was indeed true. Although he did not have sufficient funds on hand, Chef Victor generously gave the boy 3,500 Naira to help cover his textbook expenses and urged him to return home immediately. He also expressed his intention to visit the boy’s mother later that evening to offer further assistance. In a message shared on Facebook, Chef Victor encouraged others to reach out if they wished to help the child or connect with his mother. And in no time, a good number of persons indicated eagerness to assist in their own little ways too. Life is hard, times are daunting but if we continue in the spirit of kindness, then this too shall pass. His actions didn’t just provide immediate relief for the child but also inspired others in Makurdi to consider how they might contribute positively to those in need.