A veteran at a food mart in Las Vegas while waiting to buy dish soap and candy. As his financial status was not good enough to buy even essential goods every week, he used to volunteer to drive his disabled veteran friend Stephanie to the store. And on this very day too, they came to the mart together. Stephanie who had to rely on a wheelchair for her mobility stated, while spending her last $50 to purchase groceries for herself and her dogs, that the future looked somewhat bleak. While all of these played out, a team of Surprise Squad reported to Stephanie that they would pay the total amount of her groceries. She was overjoyed when she heard the message. Lary Robeson was tearful when the Surprise Squad was paying his bill amount of $278. He said that he had never spent such a large amount. Lary took it upon himself to be Stephanie’s personal chauffeur, an act of kindness in its entirety. His kindness happened to be rewarded on this fateful day when Surprise Team decided to drown both him and Stephanie in the pool of kindness. This is a chain of kindness no doubt. The customers at the Albertsons Store became passionate while the team was helping a few more poor people purchase their goods. Each of us knows the value of a human life. There are some people who have placed a higher value on the lives and freedom of others than on their own. There are times when some people have placed a higher value on their country than on their own comfort and security. This is the exact situation of servicemen who throw everything to the winds, for the love of humanity and their nation. Veterans, though often treated as heroes, face many problems with their mental and physical health; some cannot find their place among their family, friends and society. Apart from mental and physical issues, they need to secure financial stability. Even the highly placed could sometimes need a hand, which is why it is of utmost importance that we never hold back on being kind, as we may be someone’s last line of hope. Just keep T.A.L.K.ing…