News Letter
Welcome to Torch of Liberty Initiative’s newsletter for June 2024. This newsletter has been carefully curated to keep you updated on the happenings during the month, while also sharing our accomplishments in our mission to extend kindness to all the far reaching corners of human civilization. Grab a seat and relax as we walk you through the month of June. Encouraging Dedication and Consistency of Engagers As part of our community values, we make it a point to recognize and appreciate members of our community who consistently participate in our events and activities. All through the month of June, on weekly basis, we were able to extend a small gesture of kindness to them as a way of expressing our gratitude for their dedicated involvement and support. This should help convey the message that every push of a kind act leads to the movement of success. T.A.L.K Personality for June, 2024 After carefully evaluating various factors, including the exceptional demonstration of kindness, FELIX TORNA GARUTER was selected as an individual who embodied the essence of kindness. By recognizing and celebrating him as the T.A.L.K personality for the month of June, we aim to encourage him to continue on this path and inspire others to follow suit, embracing kindness as THE way of life. Recognition of Torch of Liberty Initiative by UNEP The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has recognized our organization’s impactful effort in support of World Environment Day 2024. In appreciation of our meaningful contributions, UNEP has graciously issued us a prestigious certificate of recognition. This accolade serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship and our ability to make a tangible difference on a global scale. We are truly honoured to have TORCH OF LIBERTY INITIATIVE acknowledged by this esteemed international body. This recognition will no doubt, further inspire us to continue to show kindness to our environment and planet at large. Improvements on Our Website Growth, the hallmark of every thriving endeavour, is clearly evident on our website. We have been actively incorporating interactive enhancements to make the user experience more intuitive and engaging. Last month witnessed the first time we had our T.A.L.K quiz on our website other than our Facebook page. The T.A.L.K Box request option has also been made available on our website as well as the T.A.L.K T.E.C.H interface which by July 3rd, would be open for the intake of learners into various tech inclined areas of interest as seen on the TLI website This commitment to growth and development reflects our dedication to delivering kindness packed with exceptional value. The month of June also witnessed a grand style celebration of Father’s Day. Members of our community unanimously voted the story of one of our Community member, LASTBORN U BENUE, making him the winner. A token of appreciation was extended to him so as to enable him celebrate his Father on the special occasion of Father’s Day, whom by virtue of this was named T.A.L.K Father of the Year. In the spirit of love, fairness and kindness, it is worthy of note that whose father was initially declared T.A.L.K Father of the Year, was also gifted a T.A.L.K Box valued at N50, 000. This is to convey the message that KINDNESS is indeed the bedrock of all our outings in this community, regardless. As part of events that spiced up the month of June, Torch of Liberty Community introduced a new category of recognition – The T.A.L.K Badge. This prestigious award is intended to be bestowed upon members who demonstrate exceptional kindness, selflessness, respect and compassion within the Community. The Inaugural recipient of this T.A.L.K Badge is AGYO TERVER, who was honoured for his outstanding display of kind virtues. Upon receiving the news, AGYO TERVER was overjoyed and immediately made the T.A.L.K Badge his profile picture on Facebook, proclaiming his pride and appreciation for this recognition. As it is our culture, his account details were requested so that a token of kindness would be sent to him, in the hopes to appreciate and encourage him, serving also as a factor to inspire selflessness amongst others. The month of June witnessed another dimension of growth that’s worthy of note, the unveiling of T.A.L.K T.E.C.H. This initiative is one that promises to leverage information technology as a way of demonstrating kindness. Interested persons are to visit our website to get started. This is a transformative program aimed at empowering individuals through comprehensive IT training and skill development at no cost. T.A.L.K T.E.C.H, which stands for Try A Little Kindness and Technology Empowerment Community Hub, strongly reiterates the stand that we can be kind and equally ICT compliant. Programs currently mounted for the take off phase include Coding (Python), Spreadsheet (Excel), Web Development, JavaScript and Data Science. More Outreaches in June The previous month witnessed a notable escalation in the volume and scope of our outreach and empowerment initiatives. Some of which include: STELLA OLAWOLE, a member of the TLI community, who reached out to TLI. And in our usual culture, we were moved by compassion and kindness. The T.A.L.K Box was sent to her as a way of helping her navigate through her present economic disadvantage and hopefully find her feet. SHIGHE AGATHA AGATHA (SAA) who experienced a devastating loss when a fire completely destroyed her home. Reaching out for help, she shared her heartbreaking situation with us. Moved by her difficult circumstances, we extended a compassionate gesture of support and kindness to her. In addition to the kind handshake, the ED presented her with T.A.L.K Box, all in a bid to help cushion the effect of the ugly incidence. With the introduction of the T.A.L.K Box Hub, the TLI was able to render support to JAMES PHILIA to help her keep her business afloat. With the new reforms, this makes her the very first beneficiary of our T.A.L.K Box HUB. Other Outreach Interventions It is no news any longer that TLI has a culture of empowering entrepreneurs. In