An elementary school teacher, Sara Shabir, created a unique end-of-year gift for her third-grade students by crocheting miniature dolls that resemble each child. This heartfelt project, which began in May, culminated in a special presentation at Tyndale Community School in Oxford, England, as the school year concluded.
Over the course of 240 hours, Sara meticulously crafted 30 dolls, dedicating approximately eight hours to each one. The 32-year-old teacher embraced crocheting as a hobby during the COVID-19 lockdowns. With the end of the term approaching, she felt a strong desire to honor her students with a memorable keepsake that reflected their individuality.
“I feel a massive sense of accomplishment in completing this project—and the joy the children showed when they saw them was worth everything,” she expressed on Instagram.
The project gained widespread attention after Joanna Borysiak, a parent of one of the students, shared photos on Twitter-X, praising Sara as “the absolute GOAT.” She highlighted how each doll captured the children’s unique hairstyles and clothing perfectly.
Sara explained the challenges she faced in matching skin tones and hair colors, stating, “I pondered over each one carefully and even created a spreadsheet to keep track of my color choices.” Her meticulous planning and dedication made the effort worthwhile.
When we do life with the interest of others at heart, everything becomes so beautiful.