A worker from Benue Links demonstrated remarkable integrity and kindness during a recent incident involving a delivery of spicy Kulikuli snacks. The individual, who had ordered the snacks from Jos, relied on their mother, a devoted supporter, to help procure them despite her busy schedule and health challenges. After processing everything together to ease the workload, she packaged the items and sent them off, with expectations that they would arrive promptly.

However, when the delivery arrived in Makurdi, confusion ensued. The driver offloaded the items without notifying the recipient’s uncle, whose contact number was on the package. As time passed without any communication from either the driver or the uncle, the individual grew increasingly anxious about the whereabouts of their goods. Upon visiting Benue Links to inquire about the delivery, they discovered that neither the uncle nor the driver was aware of the situation.

The following morning brought further complications as attempts to reach the uncle were unsuccessful. Eventually, it was revealed that a woman who had taken her own load might have inadvertently taken the missing sack as well. This left the individual feeling worried and frustrated as they left the park without their goods.

Fortunately, later that day, a good Samaritan named Mr. Ternenge found the sack where Jos vehicles load and kept it safe until it could be returned. Upon learning about the situation at work, he ensured that the sack was returned to its rightful owner. The individual expressed immense gratitude for Mr. Ternenge’s honesty and kindness during such challenging times, highlighting the importance of integrity in their community.

When we choose to do the right thing even when no one is watching, we’re painting the aura of kindness in living colours.