Two days ago, the host of the KaaTruths Podcast Studio, Amobi Armstrong arrived in the morning and was approached by a young boy named Issac, who carried a shovel and garden scissors. Issac greeted the host with enthusiasm, offering to trim the flowers and clear the grass, expressing his desire to make the space look nice. The host was impressed by Issac’s initiative, noting that it was rare to see a boy of his age seeking work instead of begging for money.
As Issac worked, the host occasionally assisted him with taller flowers. During this time, another boy, who often came to beg for money, entered the studio. After greeting the host, he took his usual seat. Once Issac finished his task, the host playfully praised him for his efforts. The other boy, feeling overlooked, announced his departure while gesturing for money, but the host chose to focus on Issac.
Appreciating Issac’s hardworking mentality, the host decided to give him more than just a small monetary reward. He selected seven pieces of clothing from his wardrobe—some of which he had never worn—and handed them to Issac along with 30,000 naira in cash. The host encouraged Issac to confirm his school fees for the new term and to bring either his father or the school’s bank account number for payment.
Additionally, he advised Issac against adopting the begging behavior of the other boy and emphasized the importance of contributing positively to others’ lives. To further support Issac’s preparation for school, he arranged for him to visit a barbing salon for a haircut. The host concluded by reflecting on the value of contributing to others’ lives and how such actions are appreciated by those around us.