Nikita Shukla, a 21-year-old third-year law student at Government Law College in Mumbai, India, had already faced countless challenges when she visited the Radio City 91.1 station last month to claim her prize for winning a radio contest. Little did she know that this spontaneous visit would ultimately change her life.

Nikita, who is completely blind, had been abandoned by her parents when she refused to get married after high school and instead insisted on pursuing higher education. With the support of her friends, she managed to stay in Mumbai and continue her studies, relying on small scholarships and donations from compassionate professors.

However, Nikita’s financial situation was dire. She could only afford the free meals provided by her hostel, limiting her to around 20 meals per month. Despite these hardships, she consistently scored over 80% on her exams.

When Nikita shared her story with radio jockey Sucharita Tyagi during their conversation, Tyagi was deeply moved and decided to share Nikita’s inspiring tale with her 10,000 Twitter followers. The response was overwhelming, as hundreds of listeners called and emailed, eager to contribute to Nikita’s cause.

The outpouring of support resulted in thousands of dollars in donations, enough to cover Nikita’s tuition, hostel fees, and provide her with three meals a day. When presented with the funds, Nikita was overcome with emotion, unable to believe that people were willing to give so generously to support her dream of becoming a lawyer.

Nikita’s story is a litmus indicator to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the kindness of strangers. Her journey from hardship to hope serves as an inspiration to all who face adversity in pursuit of their goals.

It may be truly cold out there, but I tell you for a fact, if there’s a man who is resilient, there’s a kind soul ready to show kindness. Keep aspiring for greatness, keep spreading kindness.