Looking at this, one would really need to appreciate the fact that if we open up our minds to being kind, compassionate and loving, not even age can dampen our resolve to impact lives positively.
If there was any doubt that Kamden Houshan and Paul Burnett would be friends forever, there certainly is not anymore. The soon-to-be 3rd graders do everything together: from munching on McDonald’s happy meals, to playing at the park. The two have been nearly inseparable since they met in kindergarten several years ago.
So when Paul noticed that Kamden was struggling with his wheelchair, he didn’t hesitate to help.
Kamden became a paraplegic when he was born with a massive tumor embedded in his spine. Though doctors were able to remove the tumor in surgery, the 8-year-old boy was left paralyzed.
Kamden’s last wheelchair was so heavy and bulky, it prevented the youth from being able to freely maneuver household doorways. Since it could not fit into the bathroom, Kamden’s mother always had to carry him, which put excessive stress on her body.
Then in August, Kamden was able to test drive a lighter wheelchair model – and he was astounded by how much of a positive difference it made in his life. Unfortunately, insurance could not cover the cost of another wheelchair for another few years.
Meanwhile, Paul had learned about GoFundMe from watching YouTube videos. Upon hearing about his friend’s troubles, he asked his parents if he could start a campaign for his Kamden.
In a matter of weeks, Kamden’s page had raised $5,500 – roughly $2,000 more than their original goal.
“Thank you all for being part of this wonderful journey to get Kamden his wheelchair … Paul and Kamden have been all smiles knowing that Kamden is getting what he needs,” wrote Paul’s mother.