Michael Malone, a 60-year-old veteran, has recently faced homelessness due to extensive repairs needed on his childhood home. After serving in the Air Force from 1976 to 1980 and in the Air Reserves until 1996, Malone has been coping with the emotional toll of losing both his mother and daughter. Although he inherited his childhood home after his mother’s death, he lacked the financial means to undertake the necessary renovations.
Fortunately, over 70 volunteers from Indianapolis stepped in to help. In recognition of National Volunteer Week, teams from Home Depot and Volunteers of America dedicated their time to renovate Malone’s home during their off days. Within a few days, they remodeled the bathroom, repainted the interior, and installed new flooring. A particularly touching addition was the installation of an American flag in front of the house, which holds special significance for Malone, as his daughter was born on the 4th of July.
Malone expressed gratitude for the kindness of the volunteers, stating, “I’m kind of overwhelmed. I’m happy, I’m sad in a sense that my mother won’t be here to experience this – this was her home.” He noted that seeing the flag would remind him of home and his daughter. The renovations are part of Home Depot’s initiative to invest a quarter of a billion dollars to combat veteran homelessness by, with Malone being one of many veterans benefiting from their efforts.