In late April, a devastating EF4 tornado struck Oklahoma, trapping nine-year-old Branson Baker and his parents, Wayne and Lindy, in their pickup truck. As they were en route to a friend’s storm shelter, the tornado uprooted a tree, crashing it into their vehicle and leaving Wayne and Lindy severely injured. In a moment of sheer bravery, Branson managed to escape the wreckage and guided by flashes of lightning, ran over a mile to seek help, all while fearing for his parents’ lives. His last words to them were a heartfelt plea: “Mom, Dad, please don’t die, I will be back.”

Branson’s determination proved crucial as he located a neighbor who followed him back to the scene, where first responders were already tending to his injured parents. Wayne suffered multiple injuries, including broken ribs and a sternum, while Lindy faced even graver challenges with a punctured lung and fractures in her neck and back. Both are currently recovering at OU Medical Center, supported by their community, which has rallied to raise over $10,000 for their medical expenses. Branson’s uncle, Johnny, expressed immense pride in his nephew’s courage, noting that not many adults would have acted with such quick resolve in a crisis.

The Baker family’s story has inspired many, including Branson’s baseball teammates, who wore stickers in support during a recent game. Branson channeled his emotions into the game, hitting a home run dedicated to his parents. The community’s admiration for him has been reflected in a GoFundMe campaign, celebrating him as a small but mighty hero with a bright future ahead. As the Bakers continue their recovery, they are grateful for the outpouring of support and the heroic actions of their young son who became their “Superman” in a trying moment.

If and when we’re determined to do kind things, not even age can stop us. May we continue to rise to the height of kindness, regardless.