Finn Lanning, a middle school math teacher at AXL Academy in Aurora, Colorado, has made an indelible impact on the life of his student, 13-year-old Damien, by offering him a home and a chance for a kidney transplant.
Damien, who has faced severe health challenges since his kidneys failed at age eight, has been in and out of foster care due to his medical needs. His unstable housing situation previously prevented him from remaining on the transplant list. After learning about Damien’s struggles, Lanning began visiting him in the hospital, where he was receiving treatment.
Recognizing the urgency of Damien’s situation, Lanning decided to become his foster parent. This decision, just like most others, wasn’t without its challenges, including training to care for Damien’s medical needs and managing the costs associated with his strict diet. Support from Lanning’s colleagues, who donated sick days, and a GoFundMe campaign that raised over $50,000, have helped ease their financial burdens.
Now living with Lanning, Damien has been placed back on the transplant list, and they are hopeful for a call from the hospital soon. Lanning aims to adopt Damien by the end of the year, ensuring he has a stable home. “Damien deserves a place he can call home,” Lanning stated.
How truly beautiful will it be, if we’re not only preachers of love and kindness but real-life marshals of kindness, embodying love wherever we go.