Breanna Bethke, a teenager from Fort Dodge, Iowa, recently received a delightful surprise when her bedroom was transformed into a dream space designed to help her relax and recover during her battle with a rare autoimmune illness.
Breanna had been diagnosed with Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) after experiencing symptoms like high fevers, body aches, and constant fatigue starting last August. She underwent chemotherapy treatment until mid-October following her diagnosis and has been stable since January, not requiring further treatment unless her HLH flares up.
The bedroom makeover was organized by Kari Swisher, who leads My Happy Place in Fort Dodge, an organization that has completed makeovers for around ten sick adults in the local area. Breanna was selected for the room makeover after being nominated by fellow students from Fort Dodge.
Kara Ocenasek, a volunteer at My Happy Place who had experienced a bedroom makeover herself while dealing with breast cancer, spent the past two months designing Breanna’s room. The new space features an LED fireplace, a stylish vanity, and numerous faith-based decorations.
Breanna expressed her gratitude and excitement for the surprise, saying, “This is fantastic. It’s incredible. I love it, and I’m extremely grateful.
“HLH is a serious condition characterized by widespread inflammation that can be life-threatening. It frequently accompanies other medical conditions, termed secondary HLH, which may be associated with diseases such as infections or cancer. While treatments like bone marrow transplants can provide some extension of life, the prognosis for primary HLH remains challenging.
It is essential to show compassion and support for those around us, particularly the sick and those who are most in need of care.