A Welshman decided to donate his kidney to an unknown patient after his daughter received a donated one in a potentially life-saving procedure.
When Arfon Jones’ daughter Seren became seriously ill and had to have both her kidneys removed, he did what any father would do and signed up to be a donor.
However the surgeons determined that his kidney would not match, and for months Seren sat on a dialysis machine 10 hours a night.
In April of 2022, Arfon received a call that a suitable donor had been found.
“Without the kidney I wouldn’t be alive today, possibly,” said 19-year-old Seren.
It was while Seren was awaiting a transplant that Arfon learned more about how to be a living organ donor, and that a normal person can lead a healthy life with just one kidney.
“After Seren got her new kidney, she was told that I could get off the living donor list and that’s when I had a very strange experience,”
“It was as if I heard a voice telling me ‘there is someone else who needs your kidney’ and I just felt that I had to stay on the list.”
Arfon became a kidney donor at 70-years-old just before Christmas, remarking he had given someone a very nice present. He doesn’t know their identity as it wasn’t a friend or family member, but he knows they’re doing well.
One-third of all kidney donations in the UK come from living donors, who provided they follow basic healthy habits of eating well, exercising regularly, and getting proper amounts of sleep, can lead long and healthy lives.
I believe the greatest expression of human kindness is our willingness to volunteer and donate to save the lives of others. The kindness we show inspires those around us, awakening the innate spirit of kindness within everyone. Let us continue to champion kindness through our thoughts, words, and actions.