A homeless veteran, Robert, who had gone without food for over a day, was seeking spare change at a gas station in Redlands, California, when he caught the attention of Max Zahir. In a generous gesture, Max invited Robert to join him for lunch at a nearby burger drive-through. During their meal, Robert expressed his gratitude, which deeply moved Max. He made a commitment to help Robert further, saying, “I go to work every day around 4 o’clock, and if you meet me at that gas station, I’m going to buy you lunch or dinner.” Max encouraged Robert to stay positive and hopeful, emphasizing the importance of paying it forward once he gets back on his feet.

As they shared a heartfelt hug, Robert was overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him, breaking down in tears and expressing his appreciation, saying, “Nobody’s shown me this much kindness in a while. Thank you… bless you… bless you… thank you, man.”            
In a bid to inspire others to assist homeless veterans, Max shared their meal experience online, which caught the attention of many. This led him to raise over $20,000 to provide sleeping bags, blankets, and food for homeless veterans during the winter months.

Additionally, Max offered Robert a job at his restaurant, so he could stand on his own and not wholly depend on the goodwill of other people alone for his daily sustenance.

When the gracious winds of providence tend to favour us, it is wise that we don’t look down on anyone, EXCEPT if it’s to admire their shoes.