Kindness to both the deserving and undeserving

The Prophet Muhammad, too, changed the world through kindness.

Muhammad began spreading the message of Islam in Arabia in a time and period marked by a mentality of might-makes-right, bringing a message of peace, human rights, and justice.

When the then pagan Arabs reacted to Muhammad’s words with anger and violence, he showed only love and compassion in return, demonstrating kindnesses that would later change the world.

One prominent example of this kindness lies in his treatment of a neighbour who did her best to throw garbage in Muhammad’s path each day. One day, when he emerged from his home, there was no garbage. On enquiry, he came to find that the woman was ill, and took the time to go visit her and offer assistance, as it was the command of Allah that if anyone is sick, a Muslim should offer aid.

The woman was so humbled by the experience that she became ashamed of her actions in the face of the concern Muhammad showed her. This act of kindness preached to her in a mightier way than any verbal messages and sermons could’ve ever attempted.

As an example set by an important figure of a major world religion, the Prophet’s kindness, of which this is only one example of many, would go on to resonate throughout the world, inspiring people to continually walk in the path of kindness, empathy and respect for all.

As we draw inspiration from this, to be ambassadors of kindness. It is our desire that the Universe treats you with utmost kindness. And because it is an exceptionally beautiful Friday, here’s wishing you a blessed weekend ahead.

Walk with TLI; be inspired to Try A Little Kindness [T.A.L.K]!