At TLI, we’ve always maintained that when the Universe and providence elevate you, remember to use your influence and power to liberate others and sow the seeds of kindness in a very pattern-less manner.
President Abraham Lincoln presided over a divided country, in what was one of the most difficult times of American history—the Civil War. Although he was forced to go to war, his emancipation of American slaves was an act of kindness and bravery the world will not forget.
Lincoln’s views are made clear in his quote from his biography, “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”
In all honesty, Lincoln was not a fan.
Although his views were more complex than many now believe, Lincoln believed in the equality of all men to improve their lives, regardless of skin colour, religious affiliations and political borders.
And so it was because of this personal dislike of slavery that Lincoln attempted to thread the narrow passage between his idealism and the practicality needed to hold a country together, freeing the majority of the slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
He did so during a time when the freedom of slaves was an unpopular idea, and admitted great fear upon doing so. But the kindness of Abraham Lincoln changed the world for the better, despite the difficult nature of the change he thrust upon America.
Looking at this, we can rightly say, -because the hearts of kind men continue to beat, liberty will forever prevail.