Jennifer Garcia, a middle school teacher in Texas was four months pregnant with her first child when the baby’s heart stopped beating. Like any other person in her shoes, she was devastated. As the days went on, she was nervous about returning to work. Being a middle school teacher, she didn’t know how she could face kids. After four weeks of recovering, she walked into her empty classroom and turned on the lights. Glued to the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten message on it from her current and past students. All of them had encouraging messages: “Keep moving forward,’ “Don’t give up on God,’ and “Know that we love you.” It was exactly what she needed. Those kind and thoughtful words meant more than gold to her at that particular point in time. Words may have no mass in the physical world, but they’re capable of making or destroying anything . May we continue to utter only kind words to people we meet, as we may never know what they’re going through.