A Stranger That Saved the Day

A heartwarming incident happened and it is worthy of note. A middle aged man pulled up to the hardware store and watched this take place right in front of him, reinforcing his faith in humanity.

This guy sees two kids walking in the pouring rain while one is pushing his broken bicycle and he stops everything he is doing and spends 5 minutes getting drenched with rain while he fixes this little boy’s bike. These kids rode off so happy and he left with a smile on his face from ear to ear. As a matter of fact, he put a smile on the faces of everyone that witnessed this selfless act of kindness too. This is the humanity we’re advocating for.

One mustn’t necessarily break the bank to be kind. Something as little as a compliment, holding the door for someone, giving them a listening ear, could all have great impact on the lives of people around.

In all you do, make kindness a priority.